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Showing posts with the label hackers

First Cyber World War begins to save Wikileaks

Thousands of hackers have stepped up their first ever Cyber World War to draw support for WikiLeaks and to stop repression on Julian Paul Assange , the founder of the Wikileaks on Thursday(December 9, 2010). The Swedish government's website was forced offline after a group calling itself " Anonymous " vowed to intensify its " war of data " against Mastercard, Visa and other groups which have blocked funding to WikiLeaks. Organisers of the group said thousands of volunteers had joined the defence of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, who is in jail in London on an extradition request from Sweden over sex crimes allegations. "This is a war of data, we are trying to keep the Internet open and free for everyone, just the way the Internet has been and always was," said a spokesman for Anonymous, a man with a British accent calling himself " Coldblood ". Anonymous is a loose-knit group of hacktivists politically motivated hackers. It

Hackers in China occupies secrets of S. Korea, allegation raised

Seoul military officials say the North Korea has an army unit of elite hackers. The comments came  when the question arises from Seoul officials and diplomats that hackers in China have stolen secrets on South Korea’s defense and foreign affairs by using bogus emails, the intelligence agency said Friday. The National Intelligence Service uncovered the hacking early this year and warned government offices about the danger of such emails, a spokesman said. Hackers sent emails in the names of South Korean diplomats, presidential aides and other people familiar to Seoul officials. Attached files containing viruses were disguised as important documents, such as analyzes on North Korea’s economy. When a recipient clicked on the attachment, the virus started downloading documents in his or her computer, the spokesman said. Lawmaker Lee Jung-Hyun of the ruling Grand National Party told parliament Thursday that a ‘considerable volume of classified documents’ was feared to have been leaked