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Showing posts with the label south Asian democracy

In quest of a democratic world in 2012

Democratic state and society is precondition for total development of a country. Democracy is the thumb for sustainable development. Democracy is the motto for humanism and balanced society. Any decision would be taken showing honor to the opinion of maximum people of any society or state or organization which is called democracy.    Democracy only can ensure peace, progress, justice and achievement. It can also ensure right for all strata of human being. So it is necessary to ensure that the peoples verdict, support, opinion and expectation is presented correctly and impartially. What peoples are expecting through their opinion should be depicted correctly. There should not be any way or process that peoples support and verdict is showed after changes fully or partially. This is a great challenge for the developing and under developed countries to ensure that peoples verdict is representing any decision. Misled democracy: In most of the cases during formation of g